The tentacles of the HPLHS extend around the world in the form of over 2000 official members in 21 countries. The HPLHS treasures its members and is always happy to welcome more people into the society.
Membership is available on an annual or lifetime basis, and members receive elaborate, hand-made membership cards and certificates, as well as exclusive online and email content, special discounts, personal communications, access to society resources and opportunities, and a fun "bonus stamp" collecting program that encourages active participation in society endeavors.
One member is selected at random every month for a free gift and a profile on this website. If you haven't already joined, we hope you'll consider doing so.
Join or Renew Now!The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS/the Society) is an organization founded in 1984 for the purpose of having fun within the worlds envisioned by beloved 1920s gothic horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. It produces game, prop, motion picture, audio drama, and musical projects by and for Lovecraft fans worldwide with a unique blend of respect for the source material, authentic period details, and a sense of humor. The Society maintains an insanely large, complex, and at least partly functional website chronicling its adventures and projects, and offering many of the same to the general public in the form of free downloads and products for sale.
The Society has always been a collective endeavor, and depends on the support of its growing worldwide membership, with hopes that members will share their enthusiasms with others while still preserving the solemn mysteries of Society membership.
Memberships are offered to individual human beings only. Joint memberships are not permitted. Two or more persons joining simultaneously from the same household may receive a 25% discount on all memberships. Persons residing in the same household as Society members in good standing may receive a 10% discount on new memberships.
Persons wishing to join the Society must provide a name, postal mailing address, and functioning e-mail address. While the Society is willing to offer memberships to persons under fictional names, it does request that members also provide “real” names that will be recognized/usable by the US Postal Service.
Memberships may be purchased as gifts for third parties, but in such cases the purchaser must provide the name, postal and email addresses of the recipient as well as the purchaser. The benefits of membership will accrue to the member, not the purchaser.
The Society offers memberships without regard to race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, geographic location, marital status, sex, gender, sexual orientation or age. All Society members in good standing shall have full and equal access to the privileges of Society membership.
The Society collects personal information from members solely for the purpose of establishing and maintaining membership records, and processing annual renewals. The information is never revealed to anyone. Sometimes we can’t even find it ourselves. The Society endeavors to keep its membership records accurate, but members are responsible for providing to the Society correct and up-to-date contact information, both for postal and electronic mail. The Society cannot be responsible for failures to communicate that arise from lack of correct contact information.
Our record-keeping system organizes people by their e-mail address. This allows us to correlate your membership records to your purchase records in our online store, so that we can properly credit members for bonus stamps. A lot of people use multiple e-mail addresses, and while there are lots of good reasons for that practice, it does make it very difficult for us to keep track of members. Please know that if you use different e-mail addresses for transactions in the online store and for actually communicating with us, we may not be able to keep your records straight.
Memberships are renewable annually from the date of induction. Lifetime members will be renewed automatically. The Society will endeavor to remind its yearly members of membership expiration and offer renewals for dues of $5.* Yearly members in good standing for at least six months may convert to lifetime membership at any time after six months by the payment of a $60 fee*.
Yearly members who spend more than $50 in the HPLHS store from the time of their last renewal will be eligible for a free renewal of their membership when it next expires.
Renewing members will have their memberships extended by one calendar year from the date of their expiration, and will receive a dated renewal stamp to affix to their membership card.
Members who do not renew their memberships within six full calendar months from their membership expiration date will no longer be considered members in good standing. Lapsed members who wish to return to good standing will be required to pay the full membership fee again.
Members may withdraw from the Society at any time by so notifying the Society in writing. The membership record of a withdrawing member will be deleted.
* Dues and fees subject to change at the Society’s discretion. Current amounts will be posted in the Society’s online store.
Annual members in good standing for at least six months can upgrade to Lifetime Membership by the payment of a $60 fee*. Members joining on an annual basis will not be permitted to upgrade until at least six months of membership have elapsed.
* Dues and fees subject to change at the Society’s discretion. Current amounts will be posted in the Society’s online store.
Upon enrollment, members are issued with an official certificate and membership card. (Yearly members will receive a tripartite card that folds into a standard size. Lifetime members will receive a booklet-style card in its own foil-stamped holder.) Members are responsible for preserving these documents, and they are void if altered in any way other than the addition of official bonus stamps. One replacement of lost membership documents will be complimentary. Any additional replacement document(s) for a yearly member will be assessed a $2 fee*. Additional replacement document(s) for a lifetime member will be assessed a $10 fee*. The Society reserves the right to limit the number of times membership documents will be replaced within any given membership year.
Members are required to conduct themselves with courtesy toward other Society members and staff. Members who, in the Society’s estimation, behave discourteously in any online forums, communications, or personal encounters, or who betray the secrets of the Society to non-members, may be stripped of membership and its benefits.
The Society can accept no responsibility for insanity resulting from the use of its website or other products. We have no sanity ourselves.
Members are entitled to a 10% discount on any purchase of Society products made in person where such products are sold (such as conventions, film festivals, or at Society headquarters). Members must present their official membership cards in order to obtain this discount. (Third-party retailers may offer this discount or not at their own discretion, although they will be encouraged to do so.)
Members will have access to a password-protected section of the Society’s website which features exclusive content intended only for the membership. The Society will endeavor to update this content from time to time. Members are required to keep the password secret, to preserve the exclusive nature of this content, and may never post or link to this content in their own personal internet communications.
Members will have access to a private group on Facebook where they can share lots of fun information with fellow members and get advance/inside information from headquarters.
Members will have the opportunity to participate in the annual "Eldritch Elf" gift exchange program during the winter solstice.
One Society member in good standing will be selected at random each and every month, and this member will be declared the “Member of the Month”. The Member of the Month will receive a bonus stamp to affix to his/her membership card, as well as a free gift of some item from the HPLHS store, at the Society’s discretion. The Member of the Month will be featured in a profile on the Society's website. No single member will be declared Member of the Month more than once.
The Society will issue bonus stamps of various designs to individual members from time to time, to affix to their membership cards in officially designated areas. For every five such bonus stamps accumulated, the member will be eligible for a credit of $25 in the HPLHS online store and will be eligible for free membership renewal.
A bonus stamp will be issued at the Society's discretion to any member who:
(A complete rundown of available stamps is available in the Member Sanctum.)
The Society depends on new-fangled electronic methods of communication in conducting most day-to-day business, but also likes to use good old-fashioned paper and ink the way Lovecraft did when possible. We can only hope the U.S. Post Office stays in business. We'll do our part to keep it afloat and hope that you will too. Meanwhile, please feel free to sign up for our occasional electronic-mails and/or send us a message through the aether using this form!