Featured Member
Our Member of the Month for September, 2023 is Deanna Brown of Whitby, Ontario, Canada.
Deanna says: “Since childhood, I have always been an avid reader and usually could be found with my nose deeply in a book. Fantasy books led to a fascination with myths and legends and science fiction. Once I discovered the horror genre, it quickly became a favourite. So when I discovered Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos around my early 20s, I was pretty quickly engrossed in the Mythos. Cosmic horror became a sort of comfort blanket – a good cosmic horror movie or short story is usually my go-to to decompress after a rough day. Or on any day, really.
Relatively recently, I discovered the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG. Having played Dungeons and Dragons for many years and interested in roleplay games, I’d heard of the game before but didn’t know a lot about it. During the pandemic, I started listening to Call of Cthulhu actual plays and fell in love with the system. Perhaps ironically, Call of Cthulhu helped keep me sane during the pandemic. I quickly went out and bought the core rulebook and once we could get together again convinced some of my D&D friends to come join the madness with me.
The gamer prop sets from HPLHS have added an extra special something to my games. The Dark Adventure Radio Theatre productions have also been a great inspiration as well as just plain great audio drama adaptations. I’m thankful to the HPLHS for all their great creative work that helps bring Lovecraft’s stories to life.
It is safe to say that Lovecraft, cosmic horror in general, and the Call of Cthulhu RPG have become obsessions of mine. I’m always looking for new movies, games, and books. I wonder about picking up Abdul Alhazred’s Necronomicon next for some light reading?"